comedy: Nick Helm’s Heavy Entertainment


Image courtesy of BBC Online.

What’s it about?

Due to the huge success of his role in comedy series ‘Uncle’, British stand-up comic and musician Nick Helm has gifted the world with his own variety show. Combining musical comedy with great dance numbers, frank and vulnerable poetry about heartbreak and gin, and some provocative audience interaction, Helm gives a more emotionally-charged and energetic performance than a puppy being introduced to his new home.

His timing is brilliant whether it’s a light hearted one-liner or a lovesick anecdote, and despite being incredibly sweaty, the musical performances are catchy and fun, accompanied by a live band fronted by fellow comic David Trent.

For fans of…

The witty musical stylings of Tim Minchin, Bill Bailey and Bo Burnham, the sweary ranting of Frankie Boyle or Micky Flanagan and the tragic vulnerability and dark self-deprecating humour of most British comedy.

Avoid if…
You are uncomfortable with almost-nudity, swearing and shouting from a character fraught with insecurity.

Give us a preview?

Pete’s Dragon – Volume warning!

Kerry Katona

Girlfriend – tw; suicidal thoughts mention

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